Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Total pageviews

Yes, I'm still here. And if anyone could enlighten me: what happened since I stopped posting meaningful stuff on my blog? This pageviews plugin must(?) be broken:

Let me also take this post as an opportunity to admit that lotro may in fact slightly delay my final movie ;)

Monday, March 21, 2011

More subscription time

And there it was. Today, a week earlier than I remembered it would come, the game presented me with a tough situation: "Your game time has expired".

However, my current way of playing WoW is (relatively) with extreme moderation. This made me decide to add some game time after all. I enjoy the occasional heroic-achieves run, score some VP now and then, and hang around /G a bit of the time. Heck I may even try to hop in on a raid that's got an open spot some time soon again.

To anyone still listening in on this blog: I still intend to make a final machinema, and will let you know when I get around to it. For now: I'm off for some gaming. Dawn of War 2, that is...