Monday, August 1, 2011

Burning Man Grand Finale!!

Damn I wanted to write that title in ALLCAPS, I'm just that excited about finally finishing my blog series. Even though I only did 30% of all the content that I was aiming for, this Interactive Youtube Machiname Adventure has turned out just great! It's got:
  • 28 different movie scenes
  • 17 choices to make
  • 6 different endings
  • over 20 minutes of machinema film
  • plenty of nerd-humor
So get ready to view this movie! Note that after your first choice you will be redirected to Youtube for the rest of the show.

By the way: be sure to report any broken parts (hopefully there are none) in the comments folks!

Right, and with that my machinema blog has officially come to an end! It's time to move to a new and perhaps even more insane nerd-project :D. It has been fun! Last but not least: thanks to all my fans!!


  1. Awesomesauce!


    And I got the whinky kid second go already, might need some nerfs.

  2. Hehe, I may have re-used a scene or two after I found it things were a wee bit more work than I had anticipated :D. All in all there are 5 different endings, out of which 3,5 are distinct enough to count as truly different :D


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