Wednesday, February 2, 2011

World of What?

Anyone reckon that new MMORPG will ever be made? There's been plenty of talk about it... just none by Blizzard.

Shame I've kinda stopped playing Starcraft, really. Scared to go back now, surely in the Gold league I would get my ass kicked (if you think being a "clicker" in WoW's bad, try SC2).

Either way, WoW's quickly losing its attractiveness too. I still enjoy our Guild chat, the occasional raid or heroic, but I'm tempted to try a few other games too. See many folks play Magicka lately, but would you recommend it to someone who hates Diablo II?


  1. Magicka is really nothing like Diablo II (and I should know)! It's almost a parody on RPG's - no loot whatsoever, a guy who is most definitely NOT a vampire, and there's multiplayer AND friendly fire... Last two are a great combo.

  2. The new Blizzard MMO is project "Titan", which is set in a new universe. It's apparently slated for Christmas 2014 (or when it's done) [1].

    Also, your fantasy is (becoming) true, you just need to re-install StarCraft 2 to experience it [2].


  3. @Magicka, in the words of virgin Mary:
    "Yes, YES, OH GOD YES!"


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